The orcs are not glued to the platform. I left the metal elements sticking from their feet glued and drilled holes in the platform. These holes are not visible once the models are put in place.

Now let's summarize the work.
When I saw the model for the first time in advance order at GW's website, I was impressed, to say the least. It looked majestic and I liked all the new unique sculpts for the beast and the crew. When I first opened the box with it, I was positively surprised with the level of detail. I consider myself a fairly experienced hobbyist, so filling in all the gaps, bending the model into proper shape and removing the mold lines were not problematic for me.

In a twisted, masochistic way I actually enjoyed preparing everything for painting. However, if GW wants to attract new people to the hobby, it's just awful. The amount of work that needs to be put into preparing this model for painting can discourage virtually anyone. I was hoping that after initial criticism, GW finecast models will look better but apparently they don;t. I can't really understand that. Other companies (Privateer Press, Wyrd Games, Micro Art Studio - just those three off the top of my head) have had no problems in maintaining excellent quality of the models cast in resin.
There were also a few other small things that I didn't like. First of all, the head trophy hanging off the platform that can be seen in the pic at GW's website was not included in my box. It's not a big deal as the whole thing can be easily put together without it, but it's a nice touch and adds to the overall feel of the model. Secondly, some parts were badly miscast (some small areas on the orc models and most of the beast's teeth were actually missing - I needed to add them using bits from other minis).

And just to wrap things up - yes, it's a nice model and I can definitely see many advantages of finecast but this is definitely not a product that can be recommended to everyone (especially thise who are just starting with the hobby). I've recently painted a new plastic Necromancer (will show the pics soon) model released by GW in plastic and had no problems at all working with it at all. Moreover, it's quality was excellent and the level of detail was quite good too. I've never heard anyone complaining about miscasts in their mumak models too... Anyway, you can see pics of the finished model in this post so feel free to comment and share your reflections on finecast.
Piękny model! Nie mam nic do zarzucenia :)
ReplyDeleteGreat work, you did a spectacular job on everything.
ReplyDeleteI got this model a few days ago, it is definitely challenging however it is worth all the effort in the end.